
Flipdot screen animation
Animation created for the flip-dot screen at the Armani store in Schenzen
Dragon en vitrine de la boutique Armani


The shop Armani located in Schenzen, China, has a magnificent 14-meter-high screen. This screen has the particularity of being made up of mechanical pellets rotating on themselves. So it can only show two colors: gold and red.

The rotation time of these pellets forces the animation not to exceed a maximum speed at the risk of no longer seeing the drawing move. This makes the animation very contemplative.

The animation shown here was released for the Year of the Dragon in China on January 29, 2024.


Dragon designs already existed in an advertising at the time. Here are a few that I transformed into a two-color version. The dragon has been redesigned as a vector image.

Suite d'images représentants le dragon Armani
Ecailles de dragon en gros planSimulation d'animation sur écran flip-dot


The result is this animation, visible in February 2024 on the Armani store in Schenzen.


Listening, reactive, autonomous and understanding of the brief and the feedback throughout the mission. A very good result in a limited time. I recommend!

Geoffroy M.


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